Tuesday 4 March 2014

Article InDesign Draft: 1

This is the initial progress I have made on my article. I have already produced a detailed drawn draft of my layout and colour scheme, as well as previously creating the written article text I will include, plus highlighting my pull quotes. Therefore, the next step is to transfer my draft from paper to InDesign and modifying any errors I may have made unintentionally.

I have slightly changed my design in the sense that I originally portrayed a white background, however, I felt it conveyed and amateur approach to the making of the magazine. This is why I took the decision to create two object boxes  on top of the pages and colour them a slight grey, to maintain the colour scheme and to not  overwhelm the audience with a colour that makes it difficult for them to read and appreciate the rest of the content.

The image's pose represents vulnerability, which suggests the audience to sympathise with her. Her direct eyeline emphasizes this as it engages with the attention of the audience and stimulates empathy towards the artist is conveys (Ella). The reason this proves effective, as research of other magazines sharing these techniques suggest, is that it connects the audience with the magazine, expressing the feeling that the individual reader has a understanding bond with the magazine.

I also feathered the image's outline, so as to present a professional approach, but also that the image interlinks with the other content of the article, suggesting that the magazine is a single body and that thought and meaning has gone in to it's production.

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