Saturday 15 March 2014

Article InDesign Draft: 4

I have added in the article text by transferring my written article from my documents as a Microsoft Word draft to my InDesign double-page spread through Adobe Bridge. I then highlighted my first letter of my opening paragraph 'W' and made it into a drop caps, which sits against five lines of text, as researched.

I also added 'AMPlified' in red to the end of my main article text, like Q magazine, for a professional presentation, with words and portrait to suggest my magazine as authentic. However, the text of my article fitted oddly, which to resolve I then had to take 'Out of' into a separate text box. This meant it could fit with the title more efficiently and prefect the layout, by allowing more room for an even spacing of the text. The care in the organisation of of the layout is key in suggesting how the article hasn't been just thrown together with little thought. In fact, it presents the brand 'AMPlified' as caring about the audience, a great deal of time and thought has gone into the presentation of the magazine and it's content for the reader's pleasure. This creates a bond between the audience and the brand, as the audience feels the magazine is interested in, and shares, their likes and dislikes, leading to a trusting relationship which generates profit for the magazine.

As well as this, I modified my article by changing the opening paragraph's text to capital letters, which was not intended during my initial draft. However, I decided it was necessary as it emphasizes the separation of this text from the rest of the main text, giving it a more professional look to the layout.

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