Tuesday 25 March 2014

Contents Page InDesign Draft: 3

I changed my original drawn draft idea of three images as the my secondary female model's pose was at an angle that did not work well in my layout; her legs were not horizontal to the camera, meaning that the image did not fit proportionally in the size of the box I had intended. Unfortunately I could not alter the size of the box to avoid disfiguring the image, as it would take up a considerable amount of room and compromise the rest of my layout, leaving little room for my content.

For this reason, I cut her place in my contents page out, amending my InDesign production two containing two images. I had already included a picture of a female and a male, with varied camera shots, which meant that her absence would not prove fatal for my production. I also now have more room to fit in the review section of my contents, which may prove valuable as it contains quite an amount of text, and I need to make sure that this text is big enough to be read with ease for my audience. I wrote the review title in white Bernard MT Condensed font on a black box as planned to stand out as a title without distracting too much.

In addition to this, I added 'FEATURE' and 'EVERY MONTH' in the style of Q to reflect my colour scheme and attract my similar target audience to Q magazine. I also spaced the red boxes that these two texts are upon, away from the separation lines, as I felt it contributed to a more professional presentation and worked well with the layout.

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