Tuesday 11 March 2014

Article InDesign Draft: 3

I have lightened the background, using the transparency tool, to achieve the shade of grey I originally wanted.

The title of my article was constructed with 'CONTROL' enlarged like planned in my drafts but in italic font to further emphasize it's distinction from the rest of the text.

I made the sell line of the article underneath the title for the portrayal of a professional format of a real article. I also enlarged the sell line's text to size 20 because I didn't want it to blend with the article content too much, however, not so much as to draw attention from the the article's title and the additional pull quotes I have planned to include at a later date in further progress. I emphasized 'Ella' in red because it is the artist my magazine article is conveying, and my magazine would want to advertise her as much as possible. This also helps the magazine in turn, as her fame will attract readers, which will gain profit for the magazine and the chain of businesses that will benefit. This could be, for example, a publisher like Bauer which has over eighty influential media brands like Q or Grazia, the shops that sell the magazines, or the distributor like Frontline.

I have added my page numbers to the bottom of my double page spread, which correspond to my contents page. I felt this important for the authenticity of my magazine as realistic and professional. This includes their simplistic presentation, using the colour scheme, to also suggest uniformity within the magazine.

I kept my web address and subscription information plain and simple to avoid over-complicating, following the reoccurring layout I have found within other successful magazine brands. This is evident in Q magazine which keeps their layout simple but effective, so I decided I should too as we share a the same target audience specification. This is also true for the reason behind including this information. My magazine aims to target within the young adult age range which are considered to be technophiles. This is why the addition of technology aspects for the brand may help the magazine to maintain interest with it's audience and perhaps reach a wider audience through this relatively new platform.

With the portrait details, I had originally thought to have them at the bottom left hand side of my image, as similar to other magazine layouts. However, I found that I had to change the text from the right-hand side to the left-hand side, to be seen clearly, as the text didn't present it self well in any colour on top of the model's clothing  in the left-hand corner of my image.

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