Wednesday 19 March 2014

Image selection for Contents Page

These are the initial photo graphs for my music magazine contents page. The models in the photographs reflect my target audience of male young adults. I chose to do this as it is a technique I have researched to be effective in professional magazines as it suggests that the magazine understands the audience, which creates a trusting bond that regular purchases will follow, creating profit for the magazine.


I used an image of my artist 'Ella' as it is a reoccurring mention within my magazine, as real magazines often repeat references to their main piece to make certain their audience has noticed. Plus, it might interest other, therefore creating a wider audience. In my previous planning, I have created a photo planning document for this model's collection of images, which this photo was extracted from. I also chose this pose as it is similar to artist Florence Welch's pose for Q magazine, which has a similar genre (rock/indie) and demographic to mine.

I also decided on using other models of the young adult age range in my contents page, to show the diversity of the audience's interests and present my brand as realistic as it covers a wide range of artists. I conveyed this through having different genders shown. However, I maintained the idea of appealing to my target audience when considering their poses by presenting the male as standing (common in other magazine's images of a single male) with an eyeline match with the audience to suggest a connection between the audience and the magazine. This is similar to the secondary female model, who also is conveying an eyeline match with the audience, although, her pose is more seductive, reflecting an interest of a male target audience. This makes the magazine more appealing which will also generate sales. Both sets of clothing also represent the rebellious life-style that is generally associated with this age range and genre of magazine, reflecting the audience's preferences to convey the magazine as trustworthy and befriend the individual reader.

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Use the following document to plan each of the photographs on the cover, contents page and double page spread of your music magazine.

This document plans the two secondary images (the male and the female) that I intend to be used in my contents page. The image containing my main artist 'Ella', is from a collection of images I have created a planning document about during an earlier stage in my development of my music magazine, specifically when planning my cover page image.

Shoot date and time
      10/01/13 evening

Image Description

A selection images to represent my target audience and their interests. The in-depth detail of my reasoning is presented in the above text, along side the specific images.

Shoot Location

I shot the images in a university corridor as it was convenient, I wasn't dependent on daylight and I didn't plan on needing the background for my magazine.
Model / person contact Details
These two models are friends of my sister and within the age range of my target audience, which is what I wanted. 

Permission Details

     Yes, my models gave full permission for my images to be taken and used.

    I used the wall as the back ground for my images, however, it is not intended to be used. I also used the costume that my models are wearing to reflect the interests of my target audience, and the persona they might want to be perceived as, creating the view that they and the magazine are similar and share a trusting bond.

Plan of shots

Previously mentioned in depth above.

The male's stance, eyeline match and costume presents him as similar to my target audience of a male young adult, possibly representing them. 

The female also uses this to present her connection to the rock/indie genre and style. However, her pose suggests seduction which is used by brands to appeal to their target audience.

I removed the backgrounds of my images to convey a professional approach to my contents page. This helps my images to work well on my InDesign production with the use of the clipping path and feathering tool.

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