Wednesday 26 February 2014

Written Article

This is my written article that I will include in my double-page spread. I used my model from my cover page image, as I felt it had put the most emphasis on it. Plus, I have already taken my photographs of the model which is time efficient.

My title, headline and introduction is displayed on my initial draft of my article. I decided to have a conversational article as, through research, in my opinion it proved to be the most manageable to produce whilst still maintaining a professional style.

In my written draft, I have also underlined the text I considered appropriate to be my pull quotes within my article.

The AMPlified Interview

What inspired you to pursue music?
Well, I suppose I have always found music a comfort, especially in my teenage years. I was going through a rough patch and there was something about it that just, well, made me think.

Talking of a rough patch, how do you think you are coping with the fame your music has brought you?
(Chuckles) I knew this was going to come up. I’m not going to deny that I was out of control for a while. I was going through a really bad phase in my life. I know everyone says it, but when I started out, I really was just in it for the music. I never dreamt this would happen, and it all just took me by surprise. I experimented with drinking and drugs because for a moment, reality just ran away with me. I went from being a nobody to a somebody in the blink of an eye and I guess I got lost along the way.

What do you reckon was the point where you realised you had to change?
One morning I saw myself on the cover of a magazine. Let’s just say, I didn’t look my best. They must have caught me off guard, and when I saw myself I was shocked! Yeah! I was embarrassed, and a bit annoyed at myself for letting myself get this way. The fact it was a random picture, where I hadn’t made a special effort, meant I couldn’t deny that was really what I had become, and I didn’t like it!

So what did you decide to do to turn your life around?
(Sighs) It took longer than I thought but I knew I had to do something. My close friends and family have all been very supportive in helping me regain my image and kick the drugs. If I am honest, I will still probably drink. I’m not going to lie and say I will never again, because we all know I will. I’m just aiming to do it in moderation.

Has fame surprised you then?
Without a doubt. Suddenly everyone was asking me things and following me around. I definitely wasn’t prepared then. I can really understand how artists sometime find it hard now.

So, with that in mind, do you reckon you have matured since you first began your music career?
Definitely. When I first started out, I was given a chance to explore a life I couldn’t imagine myself ever achieving, but after a while, I understood the consequences of how harsh this new life could be and it definitely gave me a wakeup call. I thought I knew it all. Funny to think it was a only a few years ago. I was a rebellious teen who thought the world was against me. I had just been given a taste of adult life and, I think the fame just added to it. I wanted have my name known for what I believed. I still reckon the only way I can properly communicate this is through my music.

Your unique approach to music could definitely be considered a reason why your audience enjoys listening to it. Do you reckon there is a relationship between this and their young adult age?
I think that they have probably experienced how I felt, either in or just out of that awkward stage of deciding how to make your mark on the world. This could be how they get the message my music gives. Hopefully, my fans can connect with the messages in my music.

You say that this is reason that you hope your fans admire you, do you admire anyone?
Well, as I have said, my music is a big part of my life, and so growing up, I admired many music artists that I felt understood me, like Kasabian. But now, hmm... I reckon I admire artists like Amy Whinehouse, because, although my experience hasn’t been as extreme as hers, I can empathise with how she had changed.

We heard about your spat with Lily Allen over Twitter. Have you resolved this?
Oh yeah, uh, I would say we are very similar in our style, and sometimes this can clash. I don’t have anything against her personally but we are just two people who I doubt will ever get on.

Will you be applying any of your recent struggles to your new album, out January 2015?
I would expect so. It has been such a big part of my life, with so many feelings, I reckon they will end up in a song eventually as I find it quite therapeutic, and perhaps others in a similar position can relate.

That’s a good point. What would you say to someone who was in your position?
I’m not sure I can answer that. All I know is that my family and friends helped me through the worst of it, and I don’t know if I could have done it without their support. So, I would strongly suggest that this person surrounds themselves with encouragement, because it's so much harder alone.

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