Sunday 2 February 2014

Cover Page InDesign Draft: 1

This is my first draft of my rock/indie music magazine cover page.

I position my cover page image in the right hand side of my cover page (using layers) to create the grid structure for my sell lines and other various features like a pug or a splash.

I then created a grey background with an edit of a radial gradient to present a professional approach and maintain the general colour scheme; complimentary to the primary colours. Upon this, I used the feathering tool to blend the image in with the background around the edges, enphasizing this approach.

After which, I decided to construct my initial development of my mast head. I used the color scheme's bold colour of red to allow the mast head to stand out from the rest of the cover page, as the mast head is what is considered most important; promotion the brand and what audiences will use to reference the magazine. Therefore, it is imperative that this is remembered, albeit in a professional manner. I chose the box shape to compliment the rectangular shape of the cover page and the grid structure I will introduce at a later stage; I felt it is important for a audience to feel a sense of connectivity and linking within the magazine, as if the layout and style were to creative, it might present the magazine as disjointed and not visually appealing.

The play on the word 'AMP' in 'AMPlified' is empahsized through a bolder text to emphasize it's intentional significance. The colour of white for the text was chosen to contrast to the red, I felt this was effective as the audience will be drawn in to read the masthead, and by extension, the rest of the magazine. This colour scheme and text font is shown effective through 'Q's example.

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