Saturday 22 February 2014

Finished Cover Page

This is my final draft of my cover page, finished and completed.

I added the pug from my drawn draft last, as I felt the other features of the page were more of a priority. However, I did follow through in including a pug, as I felt it strengthened the grid structure and gave it a more professional appearance. I had initially intended the colour of the pug to be red, yet, when I constructed it on my InDesign piece, I felt it drew too much attention away from the masthead, as there was far too much red. This is why I changed it to a subtle colour like grey, which slightly blends with the radial gradient grey background I made, yet still distinct enough to be separate.

Within the pug, the band 'OASIS' to change my original intention of the colour grey, to white with an outline, as a result of the previous modification of the pug's colours. This was essential as the word wouldn't be visible if left unchanged. Then I decided that the band name would possibly attract in fans, and this chance would be increased with the name was emphasized. This is why I changed the letters to capitol and increased the size.

I also added in a barcode, to appear genuine and realistic as a professional magazine. I attempted to make the barcode a size that would be typical of magazine to display. Through research, I have noticed the rotation  of the barcode and placement of the price in various positions on a cover page. However, I found the most common and simplistic was on the side of the barcode where I placed my price, and I changed the rotation to vertical rather than horizontal. I chose the simplistic approach as Q is know for it's clear and well structured presentation, and I didn't want to ruin my replication of this with clutter. Also, I included an American price, as it present my brand as a magazine that national, and portrays popularity that might generate sales, as the audience might consider the magazine as successful if it is available in other countries, especially America, who is known for it's media coverage.

Finally, I decided to added 'BRIT AWARD WINNERS' to the Arctic Monkeys sell line, as it is from real life, and not artificially created by myself, which presents the magazine as real.

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