Sunday 2 February 2014

A selection of initial photographs

These are some initial photographs I consider appropriate to perhaps use within my music magazine, as a used past authentic music magazine poses to base some of my photographs on. The model of the photographs is a female within my target audience age range. As shown through my research, my target audience do favour a singular female artist. I have also used similar clothing and make-up to other models from other same genre magazines (eg, Q, NME), this is in keeping with the audience's preferences, and also ties with my aimed colour scheme (approved in my research) of red, black, yellow and white.

I decided to use this photo as my front cover image, as I felt it had the best quality and representation. The model portrays the representation of my target audience, while also expressing the desire to aspire in life through her facial expressions; to feel free to self express themselves in their preferences; to be original in a society they do not necessarily feel they fit. I chose this representation as it is considered the stereotypical concern of my teenage/young adult demographic, that they have difficulty finding their purpose for the rest of their life. A phase where they have left the restriction of childhood and are embracing the responsibility of the adult world as well as their individuality as a person. Possibly this individuality has a preference in Rock/Indie music which the image is portraying to them that this magazine understand them, and through this connection will making a trusting bond that will generate frequent sales.

I then Photoshopped my cover page image, so that the background wouldn't tarnish my ideal presentation of my cover page. The lack of back ground will now enable me to merge both my image and my cover page to create a hopefully realistic presentation of a music magazine cover, this technique learnt through my practice of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign during my creation of a school magazine cover.

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

Shoot date and time
      27/12/13 evening

Image Description

A photo to represent the style my target audience would be interested in. 
Of my chosen photo, her stance represents how at ease she is within her music passion (hinting to the audience how the magazine will fulfil their music genre needs). However, her facial expression (particularly her eyes) are not in focused on an eye line match between the model and the audience. This is intentional as it presents the model as looking up; she is looking into her future and contemplating her hopes and aspirations that she wants to achieve. Even possibly looking into the future as she is not sure where it will take her. This either relates to the stereotypical representation of my target audience, of not knowing what lies ahead and that their future which defines them is starting now, but also portraying the freedom in her rebellious presentation that they might desire (linking to tone of the music genre, which is rebellious).

Shoot Location

A household room as the background would be irrelevant to my cover page because I would need to remove this using Photoshop. This is primarily why I chose the model to stand in front of a plain wall, as this would allow removing the background an easier task. Also, the wall is flat, and therefore helpful in allowing my model to use to lean on, as well as being convenient 

Model / person contact Details
      My model was my sister as she was within my target audience age range (19 years old).

Permission Details

      Yes, my model gave full permission for the photos to be taken and used.

       I used the wall as my background (previously stated), my costume for my model, but also  a hand-held light to create the lighting on her face, which is the most significant to the  audience.

Plan of shots

I modeled two of my photographs on magazine poses, and the others taken on initiative. The idea was to create a person that my target audience would relate to in some way and would urge them to buy the magazine and read the contents, which would generate profit. 

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