Monday 17 February 2014

Cover Page InDesign Draft: 3

This is the further construction of my front page.
I have added the header bar, enlarging my text and slanting 'BIGGEST' for the dramatic effect of emphasis.
The my reason behind only choosing one header bar, instead of accompanying this with a footer, was as a result of research into the layout of Q magazines, which is a brand that shares my idealistic target audience and Rock/Indie music genre. My research showed that Q front cover never presented both a footer and a header bar, which I took into account in designing, choosing the most common layout of just a header bar. This way, I can ensure my design is an accurate representation of a real magazine front cover, as it shares details that a professional magazine would entail. This element of research is something I found useful when designing my contents page and article layouts.

I have also progressed to the stage of constructing my splash for my main image. The name 'ELLA' was chosen for it's few syllables, making it memorable and easily pronounced, like other female solo artists such as Adele and Madonna. I outlined the text in black to ensure it stood out, as it was the splash and so, one of the most important pieces of text to be presented on the cover. I changed the font to bold arial. The kept the colours of the splash from my drafts the same as I felt they contrasted with each other well enough to stand out, but also not so much as to repel the audience from reading. As well as this, the colours tied in with the colour scheme of red, black, white and grey, and the outfit that also corresponds and may relate to the target audience's style preference. This represents the magazine as having uniformity and professionalism as this has been though out, as opposed to random colours been thrown on to the page.

I moved the masthead across from the draft's originally assigned position, which I then outlined the box of the text to give it a move professional appearance. I used the additional space I created between the masthead and the left-hand edge of the page to present the date of the issue in an outlined box, which isn't apparent on the draft. I felt the date of the issue was necessary to include as it one of the key distinguishing details of a magazine, and without it, or without it properly presented, the magazine I create would not be authentic. The font I used was bold minion pro with the size of 10.

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