Wednesday 30 October 2013

Music Magazine: Research (View Full Screen)

What I have learnt from my research, is that to have a successful magazine, you need a clear grid structure on you cover page and a strict colour scheme through out your entire magazine. The layout and representation is almost as important as the content; therefore, it is important that all aspects of your magazine are meeting your standards.
I have also learnt that it is a key technique to involve the audience individually as much as possible, and have picked up on a few unique way on achieving this subtly in my research. The contents page has to be inviting, otherwise the audience could neglect it, failing to observe some contents they may intrigue them further on in the magazine. This is vital if the audience is uninterested in the beginning few pages.
I have established a layout of a contents page I feel confident I can reproduce to the best of my ability, as one lay out in particular was reoccurring and I found the most effective.
I discovered that the content of an article is greatly important and there are some techniques I can use to intrigue the audience. For example, pull quotes, controversy statement or direct quotes from the music icon.
 I have chosen the genre of Rock music, as I found it the easiest to research and it had a very clear colour scheme, and presented itself as extremely professional. I feel it's best to replicate this genre's target audience as it is obviously well experienced on who would best like to read their magazines, as they tend to aim more specifically to this demographic; males from approximately sixteen to twenty-five (16-25).

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