Friday 22 November 2013

Music Magazine: Target Audience Questionnaire

This is my composition of a rock music magazine questionnaire which will be specifically given to my specialised target audience of males from sixteen to twenty-five years of age (16-25). This focused group will help me define what my target audience really likes, and prevent myself being to general in construction; helping me to construct the best music magazine I can produce in my ability.
Rock Music Magazine Audience Research

1.       Which of these professional rock magazines do you like the most?

·         Q

·         NME

·         Total Guitar

·         Kerrang!

·         Other, please state: …………………………………………….

2.     Number which of the mastheads givenyou would prefer for a rock magazine? (1-Best)

·         Identity.

·         Revolution.

·         Youth Revolt.

·         Jack.

·         Bass.

·         Rocks.

·         Rock On.

·         Melody.

·         Riff.

·         Full Volume.

·         Tunes.

·        AMP ( Airstream Music Program)

·         Amplified.

·      Other, please state: ……………………………………………………

3.       Which of these rock bands do you consider the best to cover for a rock magazine?

·         Arctic Monkeys

·         The Strokes

·         The Killers

·         Oasis

·         The Kooks

·         Kasabian

·         Kaiser chiefs

·         Other, please state: ………………………………………………….

4.       Which of these following main images would you consider best for the cover page of a rock magazine?

·         Male Artist

·         Female Artist

·         Male Group

·         Female Group

·         Mixed Group

5.       Do you think is important to have websites or other media platforms that connect to your magazine?

·         Yes

·         No

·         I don’t know

6.       How often would you buy a rock magazine?

·         Weekly

·         Monthly

7.       How many pages do you think is appropriate for a weekly issue (W) and monthly (M)?

·         31-40

·         41-50

·         51-60

8.       What price you consider appropriate for a weekly issue (W) and monthly (M)?

·         £1 - £1.50

·         £1.60 - £2.50

·         £3 - £4

9.       Please number the sort of article would you like in a rock magazine? (1- the best)

·         An Interview with a band/artist

·         A Review on a CD

·         A Review of a group/artist

·         A review on an upcoming group/artist

·         Information of a gig

·         A comments page to connect with other members of the audience

10.   What colour scheme would you consider appropriate?

·         Black/red/yellow/white

·         Pink/yellow/green/blue

·         White/blue/yellow/orange

·         Purple/red/white/blue
The reason I choose to use diffent music magazine examples is it would suggest the style of magazine presentation that my target audience may prefer best within reason of genre; cluttered, clearly layed out, etc.

It could be considered that the masthead is one of the biggest influences in the succession of a music magazine, or even a magazine in general. It's unique presentatino and catchy short phrase, but also memorability, immediately creates the audience's first impression of the magazine, and if it is worth buying. Also, it is featured accross the pages's content (articles, etc.) and possibley multi-media platforms (of which I have asked importance), this helps clearly isolate all of these products as an individual brand; which then helps the audience to know exactly where this contents has dervived from; gaining profit and publicity. For this reason, I thought it neccessary to involve to reader in what masthead to pick, which is why I gave them option to inform me of their opionion, as I will targeting their demographic.

For the main focus of the magazine, I will use an article of some sort. From this, I consider a great deal of importance in using regarding the music artists and groups my specified demographic prefer, as this is a music magazine aimed at them; also applying to the images and references made or modelled off. I used 'Other, please state:.................' within my questions to demostrate how highly I value their opinion and it is of great use to me what they think. I believe the indepth investigation into my target audience's preferences conveys a level of trust I aim to portray to target audience from my music magazine.

Taking this into account, I can model my main image on which the majority of my demographic prefer, such as an individual artist of a collective group, also what genders.

As previously stated, multi-media platforms use the brands of a magazine to deperate themselves from others of possible similarity and distuish to their audience where their entertainment and/or information was brought to them why. This signifance of these platform, such as websites, is the progression into a more technological age, where many people use the internet to find their information and entertainment, rather than a magazine. As many music magazine target demographic that lives are highly intertwined with technology, it is important to keep up with this demand and remain with their target audience to maintain profit. This I had planned on providing this  promotion within my own music magazine, after taking taking the audience's consideration into account.

I also feel it is important for the magazine to have a sense of authenticity about it. This is why I took into consideration the space of time in which I would issue a magazine, and the corresponding price and page number to accomodate this.

Finally, I felt the colour scheme was deeply relevent to succession. This is why I specified a range of colours that I felt had difference to each other. I expect my target audience to go for the black/white/red/yellow as it is steryotypically their prefered colours; helping to feel as though the magazine relates to them. The colours also stand out from one another but also compliment eachother's contrast; inviting them in to the magazine's contents.

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