Wednesday 16 October 2013

InDesign Final Draft

This is my final draft of my school magazine for my preliminary task.
At this point in the progression, I was at the stage of final tweaks to perfect my design. One of these tweaks was grammatical errors "PriZes". Another, that I found that the right-hand side looked slightly bare and yet, in contrast, the left-hand side looked almost over-filled. From this, I decided to relocate my sell line to the opposite side of my cover page. By happy coincidence, I additionally found that the red colour of my text stood out far better upon a white background and the movement had rectified the problem of a clustered to desolate ratio.

To compliment this, I spaced out my sell lines to give them individuality, yet still keeping them close enough to each other to be both identified as sell lines that are part of a grid structure (now mirrored from the initial planning). Also, I displayed one of the sell lines around a visual aid; "?" used to immediately convey the audience that their is some level of creativity involved in this magazine, or shall be in the near future issues; creativity being a keen interest in the majority of young children (target audience) and, therefore, will help to draw them in.

This is my mock contents page for my school magazine. It is only a basic design as I only wanted a digital draft, and did not need to carry it further in my coursework. I also attempted to incorporate aspects of the front cover, to keep the theme. However, I don't consider this design as a favourite, and I will be attempting to use a different approach in my music magazine, for example, a higher aged target audience and a diferent colour scheme.

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