Friday 4 April 2014

Finished Contents Page

This is my final draft of my music magazine contents page.
I moved the 'REVIEWS' title and  also added 'FEATURES' and 'EVERY MONTH' in bold size 14 font. I used red page numbers and grey under text in size 12 to be large enough for the audience to read. This all corresponds to the colour scheme of my magazine as red, black, white and grey.

In addition to this, I modified my initial plan of the arrangement of my review contents as the grey text underneath some lines took up a larger space than expected. I therefore had to switch 'IN THE STUDIO' and 'REISSUES', with 'LIVES' and 'DIGITAL'. However, I did manage to change the page numbers so that my magazine still had the amount of pages on each piece of content that I had intended, eg, two page on reissues. I considered this neccessary to modify, as I viewed amounts of pages magazines I had originally chosen to be realistic of a real magazine.

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